Augusta County
Virginia Cooperative Extension (Augusta County): 540-245-5750

4-H Pledge
I pledge...
My HEAD to clearer thinking,
My HEART to greater loyalty,
My HANDS to larger service,
and my HEALTH to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
4-H is a National Organization for rural and urban young people in various communities, who are between the ages of 5 and 19, organized under the supervision of an adult leader (volunteer) and the Extension Agents who are employed by the County, State, and Federal Governments. The 4-H emblem is the Four Leaf Clover and the colors white and green. White is characteristic of purity and green, nature’s most abundant color, is emblematic of life, springtime, and youth.
There are approximately 500 boys and girls enrolled in Augusta County 4-H programs. Hundreds of projects are offered through community clubs, special interest clubs, judging teams, and camps. 4-H programs help youth to realize their full potential – becoming effective, contributing citizens through participation in research-based, informal, and hands-on education experiences.
Augusta County 4-H Club members pay tribute to their parents, local leaders, and sponsors for all of their support and efforts.
Augusta County Public Schools: 540-245-5100

FFA Motto:
Learning to Do,
Doing to Learn,
Earning to Live,
Living to Serve
The FFA is the National Organization of, by, and for students in the Agricultural Education Curriculum in the public secondary school. The purpose of the FFA is to develop Agricultural leadership, character, thrift, scholarship, cooperation, citizenship, and patriotism. The FFA has over 400,000 active members located in rural areas throughout the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
Augusta County has eight active chapters providing training for approximately 1,200 students. Students receive instruction in Agricultural Education classes that helps to prepare them for a career in the vast industry of Agriculture. The instruction received in class can be practiced on the student’s home farm under the supervision of their instructor. Fairs, livestock shows, and judging contests tend to build a keen interest among members and provide healthy competition for preparing you to meet the challenge which is ahead in the field of Agriculture.